JF https://www.javantea.com/page/3/2

Ack! It's Scene 3 Page 2 as promised! I feel good about it. It's a bit of work. I really wanted to get it done, so here we go. This page's dialogue might surprise a few people. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. Jav talks about his past. But of course Jav is in the future, so if the person in the present draws the person in the future talking about being afraid, then what does it say about the person in the present? Draw the logical conclusion yourself, I won't say it myself.

Well, if you haven't looked at the "Making Of" page, shame on you. I work hard every night on it. For the people who have been there, I'm glad that you go there, but do what I say and e-mail me. Sheesh.

I don't feel like saying much in this news. If you want news and rants, check out the less recent "Making Of" pages.


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